The purpose of this page is to give you a little more details about this investment opportunity.
If you are ready to move to the next step you can show your interest in these shares by using the PLEDGE BAR HERE.
You will also find some of this information in the Business Plan you can download HERE.
Q1 – Give me a quick summary of this company.
A new company with the name: The CranBerry Property Investment Group, South Africa is about to being formed.
The company will focus on the acquisition, renovation and re-sale of residential properties in South Africa – mainly in Guateng and the Western Cape (Cape Town and the Garden Route).
The company will essentially make all of our revenue by capital gains from the sale of properties it purchased for cash.
The purpose of this business plan ( and “Crowd-Funding” Platform) is to seek interested individuals, groups and companies to come together and create the investment pool in exchange for shares in The CranBerry Property Investment Group.
This crowd-funding platform was created to inform potential investors and to assist investors to indicate their interest and make a non-legally binding – zero commitment pledge.
Within 21-days after the closing date of this “window of opportunity” investors who indicated their interest will be invited to a private “FACT-FINDING MEETING”.
There will be two meeting venues – one in Johannesburg and one in Cape Town.
At this private meeting more information will be made available (Participants will be expected to study the Business Plan that can he download for free HERE)
If there is enough interest amongst the attendance at this meeting to raise the necessary capital for the investment pool, by democratic vote, individuals will be appointed to form an interim management team to take the next step in the process.
This step will be to register the CranBerry Property Investment Group as a legal entity with the Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa.
If it is decide to register a PUBLIC company we intend to issue 25 million shares at R1 each to individuals or groups, locally and international, who showed their interest first.
This means that shares will ONLY be issued at R1 each and ONLY to those who already indicated on this platform their intention to buy shares AND the amount of shares they intent to buy.
“Late comers” will not get this opportunity to buy shares for R1, but may get the opportunity to buy share blocks later at a higher price.
We leave the door open for discussions:
It is possible that the potential shareholders may see things differently at the (fact-funding) meeting and might feel that it would be more appropriate to register a PRIVATE company instead of a public company.
It is recognized that certain company regulations and stipulation for registration (for a private company) may create some challenge when taking this route, however, the current management team wants to keep an open mind and will leave the doors open to discuss this at the fact-funding meeting.
Here is a quick snapshot of what you can expect to see in this business plan that you can download HERE:
Q2 – What is the Acquisition Strategy Blueprint?
Years of experienced in this industry proofed that a well-defined acquisition strategy is vital to success.
Today the CranBerry Property Investment Group and its team bring this experience to the table with a brilliant: Residential Property Acquisition Strategy Blueprint. [The RPasB®]
This blueprint makes for disciplined property selections that will insure a low risk and a high Return on Investment.
The RpasB® allows the company to perform a thorough due diligence to evaluate a properties purchase price, expected renovation costs, rental capacity, and finally re-sale potential BEFORE any purchases are made.
Only if the property passes the company’s underwriting criteria, the company will acquire the property and start the renovations (upgrade) that may be needed to “Flip” the property quickly.
History has also shown that successful and experienced property “flippers” relentlessly follow the following rules:
1. They line up buyers on their database long before they buy properties. They have a “private” waiting list of very specific buyers – who is patiently waiting for a phone and to sigh a cheque.
2. Flippers will only buy today when they know they can sell tomorrow morning for a higher price.
3. Flippers know that they must add value to the property before selling, because “a nice buy” and price appreciation alone won’t net the profit they seek.
4. Flippers know that they should keep their shareholder happy and informed to keep the company in business.
This is the kind of market strategy and thinking that fits in beautifully and directly with the aims, objectives and goals of The CranBerry Property Investment Group.
Q3 – Why Should I Invest?
Management Team:
We are already known for our excellent reputation as leaders in this field with a strong management team. See the business plan for more.
Deep Connections:
We already have a huge and loyal database of buyers from around the globe. The company is in a strong position to buy and sell properties very quickly.
Strict Guidelines:
Our Standards Is Clear: We will only invest in GREAT Residential Properties that conforms to our Due Diligence guidelines. Our well-defined acquisition strategy blueprint proofs that.
Underwriting Discipline:
We use very strict guidelines and a tightly controlled process in everything we do. Our shareholders comes first and we have a open book policy so that each and every shareholder always knows what is going on. We know how to eliminate risk elements – both in our daily operations and when it comes to property investment.
Thank you for your interest in this great opportunity.
Please show your interest in these shares by using the PLEDGE BAR HERE.
Rest assured, this is a Zero Commitment pledge.
It is important that you know that this is a Non-Legally Binding Commitment or Pledge. It is simply a platform and process to indicate your interest.
It is also a first step to help us get the ball rolling.
ONLY those who used this Pledge Bar Indicator will be invited to join us at a Fact Finding Meeting where the business plan will be discussed in greater detail. At this meeting we will also be able to answer any other questions you may have.